Congratulations to all 2020 D4SD participants! Out of 33 proposals, the D4SD team selected 6 finalists that exemplify great storytelling, potential for impact, and human-centered processes. An additional three proposals were selected by the D4SD community as the “people’s choice” awards. Congratulations on advancing ideas that could make San Diego a more sustainable region.
D4SD Summit Award for Compelling Storytelling
The D4SD team recognized these two projects for their ability to craft compelling design stories about how their proposed solutions address the problem and support real people.
Mona Powell, Lillian Nguyen, Nathan Brucher
How might we help people easily give and receive virtual services that benefit each other and increase connection?
Transporting our city, not the virus
Evan Shulman, Nazima Ahmad, Debbie Leung, Erika Cheng
How might we Re-open Essential Public Transit in San Diego?
D4SD Summit Award for Potential Impact
The D4SD awards team felt that these two projects, in particular, are well positioned to make an impact today on the emotional health and safety of our residents.
COVID Confidential
Kat Alexander, Allysa Chung, Ramona Pindus, Zoe Wong
COVID Confidential: A safe space for students’ stories
Project Parcel
Ken Lew
How might we implement fair and efficient resource distribution at local stores during COVID?
D4SD Summit Award for Exemplifying Human-Centered Design
The D4SD awards team selected these two projects as wonderful examples of human-centered design where teams identified core problems by getting input from stakeholders. safety of our residents.
Idle Reminder
Stephen Cerruti, Nancy Reyes, Alberto Bermudez Pineda, Symphony Jackson, Uriel Hermosillo
How might we decrease gas emissions in MTS buses while allowing the bus drivers to sustain his/her job?
D4SD Summit People’s Choice Award
A survey at the D4SD Summit asked attendees to weigh in on the best proposals. The people voted and these three team proposals were among the best.
Room in a Box
Holley McGinnis, Julieta Meneses, Nicollete Peji
How might we provide low-income families with beautiful, low-cost, and usable furniture that is affordably priced?
Mixed Income Housing Units
Jesus Felix, Yaretzi Jacinto, Ana Belen Carcamo, Ahmed Isaac Porras, Stacy Evangelista Cea, Luis Marquez
How might we reimagine housing to meet the needs of all San Diego residents?
THRIVE: San Diego
Ben Brin, Bryan (Sage) Rill, Lisa Grega, Gurucharan Khalsa, Kanupriya Yakhmi, Tofer Merritt, Mara Bosnak, Lingye (Juliet) Zhuang
How might we help San Diego businesses and citizens survive & thrive during COVID?
Marlow Perdomo
How might we create a safer way to connect with those in need to those that can donate to them during a critical situation?
All Proposals from the D4SD 2020 Summit
Congratulations to all participants who submitted proposals for this year’s Design for San Diego challenge! These proposals were selected to verbally present their ideas at the 2020 Summit.
Amy An, Mylinh Lac, Braeanne Oribello, Kendall Nakai, Syed Adam Emir Putra, Daman Heer
How might we promote sustainability, provide affordable transportation options, and alleviate the last mile challenge?

Electric Scooters
Jonathan Fong, Nicolette Shin, Julia Chu, Yi Cai
How might we decrease electric scooter injuries by implementing self-service helmet kiosks throughout urban San Diego in order to provide a service that advocates safe riding practices to users?

FLM Commuter Service CABR
Connor Burkesmith, Alex Rusu
How might we increase use of current transportation infrastructure while meeting individuals needs for convenience and varying wants and needs?

Mika Marzette and Jaime Wright
How might we create COVID testing solutions for essential workers?

Infinity Clip
Melissa Woods, Angelica Torres, Cheilon Deas, Uriel Torres, and Christina Arias
How might we help blind/visually impaired people get around unknown and unaccommodating areas?

Arianna Morris; Max Crowe; Ernesto Jimenez
How might we help match students and moderators anonymously to provide help on problems?

Nancy Chang; Kelsey Guo, Kendal Asprec
How might we help restaurant owners better promote their businesses during this pandemic?
Congratulations to all participants who submitted proposals for this year’s Design for San Diego challenge! These proposals were selected to verbally present their ideas at the 2020 Summit.

Jiayi Ruan
How might we leverage data science in relocating resources and reopening California?

Saving Shellfish
Hidali Lomeli, Alana Hao, Lillian CJ, Leilanie Quezada
How might we help shellfish farmers harvest and prevent diseases and toxins from entering into sea life in San Diego?

Fighting Dehydration
Hidali Lomeli, Alana Hao, Lillian CJ, Leilanie Quezada
How might we help shellfish farmers harvest and prevent diseases and toxins from entering into sea life in San Diego?

Hidali Lomeli, Alana Hao, Lillian CJ, Leilanie Quezada
How might we make packing for trips easier and more efficient?

Life Buoy
Alex Besharati
How might we improve the safety of home pools in San Diego, while making it effortless and reliable?

Aidan Risse
How might we monitor light usage throughout the home and control it from anywhere?

Leah Tauber
How might we make a living space more comfortable with regards to temperature in an environmentally-friendly manner?

Fire Destructor
Kassandra Rodriguez, Valeria Del Rio, Sofia Hernandez, Alexander Jacinto
How might we prevent people’s houses and habitats from getting destroyed from wildfires created by global warming?

Sustainable Community Design in K-1
Lisa Shepherd, Lori Anapoell
How might we develop communities where all citizens have access to housing, food, water, and clean air?

2020 Boreas Solutions Inc
Dalila Martinez, Andrew Ledezma, Alejandro Melendez Burgueno, Johny Briones, Robin Norton-Westbrook
How might we make breathing and everyday life easier when wildfires pollute the air?

Revolutionary Shores
Jennifer Munoz, Nancy Swanberg
How might we incentivize participation in recycling and waste-free lunches to reduce impact on the environment?

Shaping the Sage Canyon
Paris Esmaili, Shannon Joannou, Nancy Pronko
How might we redesign the library and technology lab into a vibrant innovation center to better serve the campus community?

Carbon Capture
Seth Holt, Nate Petrucelli, Adam Chronister, Roberto Gomez
How might we capture carbon emissions before it enters the atmosphere?